Monday, February 18, 2002

A String of Dreams

Looking at Tempy's journal, and his dream article, had reminded me that I wanted to start writing down some of my dreams here. This would be a good place as any to keep track of them.

Let's see... *goes down the list in her head, for a few nights back, and scans for the oldest one she can remember*

Well, the most interesting one I had a while back (which also makes it a less clear one) had Twiggy (from Marilyn Manson) in it. He was going around, toying with everyone, kissing them, and making it seem like he liked them all. But basically, in the end, he would up liking me the most. Joy!

The night after that, I had a stupid dream about alligators, thanks to my mom's TV flipping right before I fell asleep. It was about little ones about the size of small children, running around in the floor of the house. There was furniture everywhere in which we could stand on to escape their snapping jaws. There were beds, couches, tables, etc. All in one tiny room. Hey... dreams can shift room appearances like that. Anyway, I was standing on a table, and Tempy was on a couch arm. We were looking down at the "gators" since they had taken a small break, and were talking. Now, I've never met or seen Tempy, but in my dream, that's who I felt who it was. We were talking about how to get out of the room. See... once we would get out of the room, we would be safe. They couldn't follow us out the door. Just some law of nature, I suppose. Anyway, everyone in the room, which included me, my mom, Temp, and a whole bunch of other strangers, which could have been VH (Virtual Hogwarts) friends, had decided that it was a good idea. After more gator snapping, we finally tricked the gators, all decided to go for it. We got to the edge of the bed, and everyone leaped for the door. My mom even went right before me, saying that it was only right, because she was my mother. I decided - fair enough. However, just before I was about to jump, a gator caught up to us all, and got in my way of leaping. I cried out to my mom for her to help me. There was no going back. They had already made it to the other furniture, and the bed was the only thing left. She yelled at me to fend for myself as she ran away, and I stood there, not able to get past them, feeling my end coming near. I woke up crying in that dream, because I knew it was all over. Stupid of me to cry, since it wasn't even a nightmare. It was a stupid dream based on some stupid movie that I pictured before drifting off... I don't seem to get nightmares, really.

The next dream I had was where I just bought a night club. No Doubt was going to come and play for it one night, and I was getting the club ready. I decided to make a wall of glass squares, each having a picture of them behind it, so it was a hall of their pics in a neat decoration. (If I had a scanner, I would scan it and show you...) Anyway, the band Kittie was there at the moment, and they came in, saying how it looked stupid, and they didn't like No Doubt, and how I was stupid for liking them. But they still liked me. In fact, they decided to help me get my lip pierced (labret). So I got a needle, sterilized it, and stuck it through my lip, which didn't bleed or hurt, strangely (but good for that!). Then I put a loop through it. That was pretty much all of that dream. I liked that one.

And that's all I've been able to remember as of late.

Current Mood: relaxed
Current Music: Hey Baby - No Doubt

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